Monday, July 4, 2011

Virtual World - Real Impact

Chapter 16
Safko, The Social Media Bible

According to Safko, virtual worlds technology had its genesis in the 1980s with the development of virtual reality technology for use by fighter jet pilots and astronauts, and to help people with disabilities and others without computer experience to utilize computers. The SenSei system, which Safko was involved in the creation of, was a virtual environmental system incorporated into computers, to allow a user with no experience to intuitively know what to do next.

In fact, the author was involved in several ventures that were key to early virtual reality technology.

Many technologies spun off of SenSei, including graphic operating systems, control devices, and computer-based virtual worlds, defined by Safko as internet-based simulated environments inhabitated by avatars, or graphic representations.

Second Life, launched in 2003, is the most popular of these virtual reality media. Second Life is more a place for virtual interactions (that can be nearly as varied as real life) than a game. Safko makes the distinction on page 305, explaining that “thers is not game-winning objective in a virtual world.” Instead, there are “places” to go and other “people” – users with whom to interact in different ways.

Of course, companies go where the people are, even if they are there virtually instead of in reality. The author acknowledges that there si no one way to make money in a virtual world, but these enterprises who are in the virtual reality vanguard are finding several ways. Even having a presence is something like product placement in TV and movies – making yourself or your product visible. But Second Life and other virtual reality media also make it possible to interact with prospects and customers, building networks and trust. And some companies use Second Life as a meeting and training environment.

The opportunities and possibilities seem to be emerging on a daily basis, and the future seems limited only by the imagination of the participants.


  1. Never been there. I feel like I have my plate full with my first life. But I really should visit to see what all the talk is about. It scares me a bit to think about how much time a person could spend there.
